When below 4, the health the character gains at each level will be sharply reduced. Also, more strength enables you to carry more stuff.
Before a character does ANY fighting or fires any missiles, this skill should be at least 3.
If the character is going to cast spells, make this skill at least 4. If not, ignore it.
Edged weapons are the most common.
Bashing weapons are common and cheap.
Pole weapons are, in general, the most expensive, the most rare, and the most powerful.
Thrown missiles are common and many are magical. Also, this skill is cheap. However, thrown weapons cannot be poisoned.
Bows are expensive, and so is this skill. However, poisoned arrows are extremely powerful.
Buy a few levels for anyone in heavy armor.
Try to start with at least one character with level three in this.
Try to start with at least one character with level three in this.
Spread this around the party. Don't buy more than 25 points total (over the whole game).
Have only one character buy this, but get a lot. Alchemy is very useful.
Expensive, but very useful. Knowing what items are when trapped deep in a dungeon can save your life.
Traps are deadly in Exile. Have only one character buy this, but get a lot.
Not necessary, but very useful. Unlock Door spells are expensive, and bashing is slow, damaging, and very unreliable.
Wait on this. It's very effective when your level is high.
You really only need 3-4 levels of this. More helps, but not too much.
Although it costs no gold, hold off on buying this until your level is high. Luck can help A LOT, but at low levels other things help more.
Drinking many, many cups of espresso often greatly heightens one's Exile III: Ruined World experience.
Be sure to look for Exile: Escape From the Pit and Exile II: Crystal Souls, the hot predecessors to Exile III: Ruined World.
Low on gold? Go to Krizsan, Shayder, or any other large surface city, and look for the jobs dispatcher. It's a great way to earn extra money!
Low on gold? Read the Exile III documentation. The Hints on Getting Started section has a plethora of hints for finding loot.
Having trouble reaching somewhere? Walk into the walls/barriers/trees/whatever is in your way. Some things have secret doors or entrances.
Casting repeated blesses multiplies the effect. Two bless spells on somebody are more than twice as powerful as one.
In small towns, most people have nothing to say. However, the innkeepers, anyone in shops, and anyone not a guard or a townsperson will generally have something useful to tell you.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Moving too slowly never makes it impossible to finish the game. The things you need will always be there. However, moving too slow can make finishing the game harder. Take time to look around, but not too much.
Get some horses as soon as possible. Traveling outdoors is slow and you'll use up a lot of food without them.
Items need to be identified before you can sell them. Fellows, in the city of Krizsan, will identify items cheaply. Also, there are people in plenty of other towns who will perform this service.
Move Mountains and Dispel Barrier are very useful spells. Haste will save your party from many a nasty fight.
Can't cast a mage spell you've learned? Make sure your Mage Spells skill is up to at least the level of the spell. Then make sure you're not dumbfounded (Restore Mind cures this). Then make sure you have enough spell points.
The Exile III Editor can help you out in a lot of nasty situations, even when it's unregistered. Take a look!
Someone important not there? The friendly people in the town suddenly mad at you and you're not sure why? You may have clipped them with Mass Charm or Shockwave. Visit a few other towns and return, and you'll have been forgiven.
Low on gold? Many towns have odd jobs available. For example, someone in Krizsan has a certain interest in unicorns.
Visit Anaximander, in Fort Emergence, whenever you think you've done something interesting. He has much useful information.
Visit the Tower of Magi whenever you complete a major quest. Anaximander will tell you where to go. You can get lovely rewards!
Have a tip, bug report, question, or comment? Send it to SpidWeb@aol.com.
Make sure everyone has a strength of at least 3. Make sure mages have plenty of intelligence. Make sure everyone who does a lot of melee combat has a high dexterity.
Some dungeon trips are long, and require lots of healing and endurance. It is at these times that Alchemy can be very useful.
Met the Anama? You can win the game whether or not you join them. Joining them makes it a bit harder, though.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
To cast spells quickly, click on his/her name on the upper right, and select the spell from the Mage Spells or Priest Spells menu.
To make a character active (and see its inventory) quickly, type '1'-'6'.
Sometimes you'll find a place where you know there's a dungeon, but you can't see or enter it. That's because someone somewhere else needs to tell you where it is. Go talk to people in towns.
You don't need to destroy all the plagues of monsters on the surface to win the game. If you get totally stuck, move on.
In each of the five major cities on the surface, there's someone who can tell you about a major artifact you can find. If you want to find it, be thorough in your questioning.
Game too slow? Look in the Preferences menu. There are several options to speed things up.
Have to go through a dungeon, but you keep getting killed? Stock up on potions. Buy scrolls. Learn alchemy. Go in, kill a bunch of monsters, and leave to rest (if you can).